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Proposition: Amsterdam Noord

Buying land is perhaps the oldest form of investing that excists.
The famous writer Mark Twain once said Buy land, they’re not making it anymore.
Today, buying land is still a well-known phenomenon. Where in the past buying land as an investment in the Netherlands was only reserved for large institutional investors, banks,
municipalities and pensions funds, we are now seeing increasingly numbers of private investors that are buying land.
On this page you can read more detailed information about the property plots in Amsterdam that we offer.

1. Availability

First things first: What is still available?
We try to keep our map of available plots as updated as possible, but since the plots are very popular, we cannot guarantee that the displayed plots will actually be available. For the most accurate availability, please contact us.
View the availability on the following map:

2. Development Impression

To get an impression of what the plots may look like in the future, we have drawn a map of the area. The map shows that if a metro station were to be realized, more high-rise buildings in combination with shops will probably be built immediately adjacent to it.

In this “metro section” it is also not inconceivable that a transferium or parking garage will be built. It is expected that more low-rise buildings will be developed on the eastern side of this area. Of course no rights can be derived from this information.

3. Structural Vision

In the structural vision of the Municipality of Amsterdam, we see two metro stations listed. One metro station is located on the plots offered by us (section 1) and a second one at the bottom of Landsmeer (section 2).

4. Municipal land properties

When you see the previous map, it will probably come as no surprise to you that the municipality has recently purchased a considerable amount of land precisely on the plots where the metro station will be built according to the structural vision.

5. Leasehold in Amsterdam

A sensitive subject in Amsterdam is leasehold plots or as we say it “Erfpacht”.
As shows in the following map, the municipality of Amsterdam often consists of leasehold land.
However, the plots we offer are free of leasehold.
The purchased land therefore becomes your full ownership.

6. Home & land value in Amsterdam

On this last map of the Municipality of Amsterdam, you can see how the prices of homes and land compare within Amsterdam.
It is remarkable that the prices in the North are almost equal to the prices for the city centre.

Purchase and reservation

How does it work?

When you are interested in purchasing a property plot, we will send you the purchase agreement, declaration of intent and customer profile form. You then sign these documents and send them back together with a copy of your identification. With this we reserve the chosen plot for you and you will be therefore assured that it will not be (as then Dutch say) sold in front of your nose.

Your documents will be sent to the notary which will draw up the deed of sale for you and invite you to sign the deed.
When the deed is signed, the notary will ensure that the plot is registered in your name at the Land Registry office.

You are now the proud owner of your own piece of Amsterdam!

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